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HomeSolutionTop featuresAI Module

AI Generation

Save time in your hiring process

  • The AI Module is designed to accelerate the recruitment process and transform traditional practices to boost productivity.
  • With one-click automatic generation, several steps are simplified, such as creating job repositories, job descriptions, template messages, and models.
  • Our AI also facilitates multilingual communication, translation, competency test production, form creation, and much more.
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Job role definition

Job role definition

  • AI generation enables your HR team to create and refine job repositories based on employment market standards and organizational needs, providing an overview of the required skills and responsibilities.
  • This feature generates turnkey job repository templates and accurate job descriptions, aligning job criteria with candidate expectations.
Job description

Job description

  • Sweeeft's AI generates captivating job descriptions based on the defined job repositories, saving you time, effort, and resources.
  • This feature fully adapts to your writing criteria, allowing for quick creation in just a few clicks.
Templated messages

Templated messages

  • Sweeeft's ATS facilitates interaction with your candidates by automatically sending communications at various stages of the recruitment process, such as application confirmations, interview invitations, and rejection alerts.
  • Sweeeft's ATS analyzes candidate data, interview results, and uses predefined message templates that you can save for your campaigns.
  • This feature ensures consistent communication and a seamless experience for candidates throughout the process.
Multilingual communication and translation

Multilingual communication and translation

  • Sweeeft's ATS AI module provides automatic multilingual communication capabilities, allowing you to generate and translate your messages, emails, and notifications into multiple languages to ensure clear communication with candidates.
  • This feature also enables the translation of job descriptions and other HR content.
Skills-evaluations test production

Skills-evaluations tests

  • Evaluating candidate skills is crucial in the recruitment process, and our ATS quickly generates technical tests using AI.
  • Our ATS also generates the results once the candidate has completed the test.
Form creations

Form creations

  • By eliminating manual creation and data entry, Sweeeft's ATS saves you time, ensures data quality, and increases productivity.
  • This allows HR teams to focus on key activities and enhance the candidate experience.