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Best recruitment approach : simple CV or skills tests ?

Best recruitment approach : simple CV or skills tests ?

CVs are no longer enough to recruit the right person. Recruitment methods are evolving with the times. Questioning traditional tools such as the CV has become a necessity. So how do you adapt your recruitment process to the new expectations of candidates and recruiters?

Why are CVs no longer adapted to candidates' realities ?

  • The CV introduces bias

It's important not to restrict yourself and to offer opportunities to a wide range of profiles. By relying solely on CVs, you run the risk of missing out on a nugget. It only gives a partial view of the candidate's skills.

  • CVs are not a reliable source of information

Often perceived as a succinct summary, this document may omit relevant skills or exaggerate professional competencies.

  • CVs don't meet the expectations of the younger generation

Young job seekers, who are generally looking for fulfillment in their professional environment and the relevance of their assignments, often find that CVs don't reflect their aspirations.

  • The CV does not correspond to expectations and operating methods

A candidate's technical skills, soft skills and personality cannot always be fully expressed in a simple document.

  • CVs do not reflect a modern approach to recruitment

Employer brand image is increasingly important, reflecting the brand's commitment to its employees and setting it apart from the competition. Organizations need to stand out from the crowd by offering an innovative and contemporary candidate experience and recruitment process.

How do you assess skills ?

What's the best way to recruit ?

Recruitment tests offer an objective assessment of candidates' skills, focusing on both technical abilities and personality traits relevant to the position. By focusing on measurable, standardized criteria, these tests reduce the biases inherent in traditional selection processes, offering a more complete and accurate view of candidates' real abilities. What's more, assessments have the ability to predict candidates' future performance with a degree of accuracy, a considerable asset for recruitment decision-makers.

There are several HR solutions available for carrying out assessments. Our solution, for example, is powered by Artificial Intelligence, enabling it to go beyond simple skills assessments. It also assesses candidates' motivation, personality and aptitudes through a variety of tests, including personality tests, cognitive tests and collective development tools. This approach enables us not only to identify candidates' technical skills, but also to understand their motivations and their ability to integrate and evolve within a team.

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