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Build an employer brand that attracts the right candidates

Build an employer brand that attracts the right candidates

Building an employer brand involves taking into account various factors, such as the current state of the brand, the objectives set for its development, and the desired image. These crucial elements contribute to the day-to-day construction of the brand. We'll guide you through the essential steps required to build an employer brand that reflects your company, its values, and the image it wishes to project.

Employer branding : what is it ?

The notion of employer brand encompasses the reputation of a company or organization in the eyes of all its stakeholders. It merges the concepts of "brand", from the field of marketing, and "employer", from the field of human resources.

The employer brand is inseparable from the commercial brand, which is used to promote the organization's products or services. Just as a brand is designed to win over customers, an employer brand is a distinctive element that effectively attracts talent, builds employee loyalty and reinforces a sense of belonging by highlighting the company's culture.
It encompasses internal and external communication strategies designed to promote the company's values, market vision, ambitions and identity.

Why build your employer brand ?

Before answering this question, here are some important facts to remember :

  • According to a study by Glassdoor, 60% of candidates have had a bad recruitment experience, and 72% of them talk about it on social networks.
  • According to CareerArc, 64% of candidates avoid products from a company with which they have had a bad experience.

Building an employer brand is crucial in today's business environment, offering a company the opportunity to actively shape and promote its image as an attractive employer.

By developing a strong employer brand, a company can not only attract qualified talent and retain existing employees, but also strengthen its position in the job market.
Beyond simple reputation management, a well-established employer brand acts as a powerful lever for standing out from competitors, establishing a positive corporate culture and creating an environment conducive to employee engagement.

Assessing the perception of your employer brand

Internal employer branding


Internal employer brand management is crucial to fostering a positive work environment and motivating employees. It involves cultivating a strong corporate culture, providing opportunities for professional development, and promoting transparent communication.

By investing in employee well-being and promoting internal values, a strong employer brand reinforces a sense of belonging, encourages talent retention and contributes to individual fulfillment within the organization.

External employer branding


Employer branding is very important in recruitment. Candidates' expectations have changed considerably over the years. According to one study, 95% of candidates find out more about the company before they even apply for the job. Today, every candidate wants to choose the company he or she would like to work for.

A well-constructed employer brand will promote your values, build a positive reputation and therefore attract more potential talent. The more positive your company's image, the more unsolicited applications you'll receive.
Comment créer une expérience positive pour les candidats ? 

How to build, develop and evaluate your employer brand ?

Brand website

The website must faithfully convey the company's identity, values and vision through a strong graphic and editorial charter, captivating visitors' attention.
It's crucial to integrate elements such as employee testimonials, corporate videos and information on organizational culture to deliver an immersive experience. At the same time, increasing visibility requires a content strategy focused on SEO, highlighting the company's values.
This content must meet candidates' expectations, encouraging them to assess their affinity with the company when looking for professional opportunities. The ultimate goal is to create a user-friendly, informative and constantly updated site to guarantee a positive first impression with potential candidates.

Strengthen your presence on social networks

Optimize the candidate experience at every stage of the recruitment process by combining a human-centered approach with an active presence on social networks.
Ensure that every candidate develops a clear understanding of your corporate culture and the opportunities on offer, both on your website and on your dedicated pages on relevant social networks such as LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest or Twitter. Simplify application procedures by using user-friendly forms, and provide constructive feedback to reinforce transparent communication.
These social network pages help create engaged communities around the employer brand by sharing inspiring content. Every interaction, whether on the website or social networks, must be carefully orchestrated to positively reinforce the company's image and create a memorable candidate experience.

Working on the candidate experience

Every candidate is an integral part of the company and should not be neglected. The candidate experience, also known as the recruitment experience, helps to nurture the employer brand and reinforce its external visibility.
This involves a brief and efficient recruitment process, starting with attractive and widely publicized job offers. The job description should be easily accessible, highlighting essential information about the work organization, including the number of teleworking days, the flexibility offered, and other relevant aspects.

Managing e-reputation

Reviews left by employees play a crucial role in candidates' decisions as to whether or not to apply to a company. Any employer can react to reviews, positive or negative, by creating an account on the platform.
Expressing gratitude for feedback and responding to it demonstrates attention to employees' opinions and a willingness to take them into consideration. In the face of negative comments, it may be appropriate to point out that perfection is unattainable, but that the company is constantly striving to improve.
By detailing the measures taken to resolve the problems mentioned, the employer reinforces the confidence of potential candidates.

How to develop your internal employer brand ?

Well-being at the heart of the company

To develop an in-house employer brand, it is essential to meet employees' high expectations in terms of well-being at work and work-life balance.
The choice of office space plays a crucial role in this dynamic. Modern, well-serviced premises, equipped with catering services, relaxation areas and a variety of sports and wellness activities, contribute significantly to enhancing the attractiveness of the company.
By focusing on employees' well-being and creating an environment conducive to their personal development, the company consolidates its employer brand internally, fostering employee satisfaction and loyalty.

Good employee management

It is essential to promote a benevolent management approach based on trust and employee autonomy. The development of this approach is accompanied by the growing use of digital tools, encouraging collaboration while enabling each individual to manage his or her work autonomously.
Training managers in this new style of leadership, with the emphasis on strengthening soft skills and appropriate modes of communication, is becoming crucial.
By fostering an environment where trust prevails and employees feel empowered, the company builds a strong internal employer brand, conducive to employee fulfillment and improved productivity.

Valuing employees for a strong employer brand

Valuing employees within an employer brand is crucial, as it creates an environment conducive to talent satisfaction and retention. When employees feel recognized, listened to and fulfilled, they contribute positively to the corporate culture and become drivers of performance.
This internal dynamic radiates outwards, attracting similar talent and reinforcing the company's reputation as an attractive employer.
Valuing employees also fosters greater productivity and collaboration, and reinforces the sense of belonging that is key to the organization's success and longevity in the job market.

Diversity and inclusion

By fostering a diversity of profiles, experiences and perspectives, a company paves the way for innovation and creativity. An inclusive culture, where every individual feels valued and respected, leads to better talent retention and increased productivity.
Beyond the internal benefits, an employer brand committed to diversity and inclusion attracts a wider pool of talent and strengthens its reputation as a progressive and socially responsible employer.

A CSR policy

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is an essential lever for employer branding. Not only does it demonstrate a company's commitment to sustainable and responsible practices, it also helps attract talent keen to associate with socially responsible companies.

Flexibility within the organization

According to a study by LinkedIn, 87% of employees would like to telework at least half of the time. Offering flexible work options, such as telecommuting or flexitime, not only helps to meet employees' varied work-life balance needs, but also enhances the attractiveness of the company. This flexibility demonstrates the adaptability of the employer brand, attracting talent seeking more flexible working environments and fostering employee satisfaction and loyalty.

Sporting activities

Encouraging sport within an employer brand is of major importance. According to AllSessions, encouraging employees to take part in sport not only promotes physical and mental health, but also reduces sick leave by 32% and turnover by 25%. Beyond the individual benefits, this approach strengthens the attractiveness and reputation of the employer brand as a company that cares about the overall well-being of its staff.
Developing an employer brand is a major undertaking. The levers mentioned above represent only a non-exhaustive selection; it is up to each company to identify those that are most relevant to its specific business sector and challenges.

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