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Challenges and solutions for mass recruitment

Challenges and solutions for mass recruitment

Recruiting qualified talent for different vacancies at the same time is very challenging for HR professionals. In this article, we take a look at how to successfully carry out large-scale recruitment processes.

Background to mass recruitment

Mass recruitment processes are quite complicated, as a large number of applications are submitted to you at a fairly rapid pace, which can increase the risk of error.


What is mass recruitment ?

Mass recruitment is the process of recruiting extensively, in order to fill a large number of positions within an organization. It's important to remember that mass recruitment processes are similar to regular recruitment, but require a higher level of maintenance. Organizations that recruit on a large scale generally face specific challenges. This type of recruitment generally requires the use of HR technologies and a strong focus on employer branding.


The challenges of mass recruitment

Large-scale recruitment is a very considerable project, and one that requires upstream strategies, since it requires technologies for generating job offers and simultaneously multi-posting them on job boards, as well as tools for receiving applications, sourcing and sorting profiles according to the criteria important for each position. Mass recruitment is an important job with many challenges :

  • You need to find the right number of qualified candidates to meet the demand and the need.
  • You need to think about how to evaluate candidates effectively, to identify their hard and soft skills.
Why carry out skills assessment in hiring ?

Mass recruitment challenges

Volume of applications

The first major challenge of large-scale recruitment relates to the efficient management of massive flows of applications. The sheer volume of CVs can lead to work overload, making it difficult to analyze and sort out the best-performing CVs and talent. This administrative overload calls for the use of an Applicant Tracking System to automate such tedious and time-consuming tasks.

Staff turnover

The 2nd major challenge in terms of large-scale recruitment is staff turnover. This can have an impact on the operational phase, requiring efforts to fill vacant positions. To meet this challenge, organizations need to adopt staff retention strategies, such as professional development programs and benefits, to maintain stability and balance within an organization.

Quality of recruitment

The need to fill a large number of positions quickly can sometimes compromise the rigor of the selection process, resulting in hires less suited to the organization's requirements. To overcome this challenge, it's crucial to pre-define selection criteria upstream for each position. Use immersive assessments to select your candidates.

Decentralized hiring

Decentralized hiring means complex coordination between sites and variations in selection processes. The geographical dispersion of recruitment teams could lead to inconsistencies in selection criteria.

Recruitment bias

Despite best efforts, unconscious prejudices can influence your choices, leading to unintentional discrimination based on unimportant characteristics (gender, ethnic origin, age...).

Data fragmentation

The diversity of data sources and their dispersal can complicate the management of candidate information, leading to delays and errors in the selection process. To overcome this challenge, the use of ATS is essential.

Poor candidate experience

Mass recruitment can create a poor candidate experience. Opaque processes, excessive delays or inadequate communication can damage an organization's reputation and deter potential talent.
Key steps to improve the candidate experience

Solutions for mass recruitment

Plan ahead

By establishing a plan from the outset, HR can anticipate talent needs, ensuring that it has the necessary tools to attract, evaluate and select potential candidates. It's important to define precise selection criteria and identify the most appropriate and effective recruitment channels. By planning every step and aspect of the recruitment process on a large scale, organizations can maximize their ability to attract and retain the most qualified candidates.

Evaluating data

Analyzing data relating to applications, recruitment sources and interview reviews is an essential step in gaining in-depth insight into the skills, experience and personality traits of each candidate. The best way to do this is to equip yourself with an Applicant Tracking System, which will enable you to process a large volume of objective data.

Adopt an Applicant Tracking System

ATSs enable large organizations to centralize all applications received, track them throughout the recruitment process and manage interactions with candidates in a highly organized and efficient way. Human Resources can create candidate databases, perform advanced searches to find the most qualified profiles, schedule interviews, send automated communication media and collaborate more easily with team members. AI-assisted ATS offer analysis and reporting capabilities that enable companies to assess the performance of their recruitment process and identify areas for improvement.
Everything you need to know about ATS
Mass recruitment can be an effective approach to meeting an organization's human resources needs. Mass recruitment is a strategy for expanding the organization's talent pool. However, there are a number of key challenges to adopting this strategy. The biggest of these is the volume of applications and poor-quality recruitment.

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