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HR productivity : tips and practices to boost efficiency

HR productivity : tips and practices to boost efficiency

Measuring HR performance is a key indicator of an organization's success. Measuring HR performance through a company's ability to attract, develop and retain talent. HR performance is a determining factor in growth and profitability: a key indicator of your company's overall performance. However, it is often difficult to measure and boost. In this article, we explain how to measure and improve your HR performance.

Taking stock of HR department performance

Taking stock of your HR department's performance upstream is the first step in identifying strengths, weaknesses and opportunities for improvement. This involves reviewing existing processes, HR policies, key performance indicators (KPIs) and employee feedback, so that managers can get a clear picture of the current situation and areas requiring attention. It also helps identify emerging trends and best practices.

Opt for digitalization

By opting for dedicated digital HR tools and platforms, organizations can automate a good number of administrative tasks, such as leave management, payslips and performance appraisals. This digitalization helps to optimize time and reduce errors. What's more, by using talent management software and applicant tracking systems (ATS), companies can simplify recruitment and talent management, making it easier to find, select and integrate the best candidates. Thanks to this digitalization, companies can improve their productivity, enhance their agility and offer a better employee experience, helping to boost their overall performance.


Setting precidse HR objectives

Every strategy starts with a clear identification and visualization of HR objectives. HR objectives can be multiple, as they can be linked to recruitment, workforce training and talent retention. By establishing and setting objectives upstream, HR can direct its efforts towards concrete results aligned with organizational needs. These objectives also provide a framework for evaluating and adjusting HR strategies along the way, enabling more proactive management of challenges and opportunities.

These objectives can be :

  • improve retention and reduce staff turnover
  • strengthen internal skills development
  • increase employee commitment to the organization
  • better manage absenteeism rates
  • improve the company's social climate

Clearly define the HR KPIs to be monitored

Clearly defining the HR KPIs to be tracked is very important for optimizing the performance of the human resources department. Identifying the most relevant KPIs, such as staff turnover rate, employee satisfaction rate, average time to hire or cost per hire, enables them to effectively evaluate the effectiveness of their initiatives and processes. These KPIs provide tangible, measurable data that can be used to track progress, identify trends and make informed decisions to continuously improve human resources management.


Factual data for decision-making

Having objective data at your disposal enables you to understand trends, identify potential problems and implement appropriate solutions. By using factual data, HR can also assess the impact of their initiatives and adjust their strategies accordingly to achieve organizational goals. By embedding a culture of data-driven decision-making, HR departments can make a significant contribution to the continuous improvement of business performance.

Align HR with the organization's business model

Understanding the organization's business objectives and processes is imperative for HR to maximize organizational performance. This will enable HR to adopt strategies and initiatives to support the specific needs of each department and/or team. This means working closely with line managers to understand their challenges, priorities and needs in terms of qualified candidates. This would enable HR to better anticipate staffing needs, develop tailored recruitment and talent development programs, and contribute to the achievement of operational objectives.


Combining marketing and HR to boost performance

This approach, also known as "Inbound recruiting", encompasses a range of actions aimed at attracting, convincing and retaining future employees.

The power of marketing in talent acquisition
Measuring HR performance is a crucial indicator of organizational success, manifested in the ability to attract, develop and retain talent. However, measuring and strengthening HR performance is highly complex, but not impossible, as HR plays an important and crucial role in the continuous improvement of corporate performance.

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