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Improve your sourcing with e-mail templates

Improve your sourcing with e-mail templates

According to a survey conducted by LinkedIn, 70% of users are passive candidates, i.e. they are not actively looking for a job, but remain open to new opportunities. This represents a significant opportunity for recruiters. However, approaching these candidates is not always an easy task.

Creating a memorable first impression

When sourcing candidates, it's crucial to write a powerful teaser message. It's imperative to adopt a personalized approach to demonstrate a thorough understanding of the candidate's profile.

Highlight the distinctive aspects of the company and the position, highlighting growth opportunities and specific benefits. Use an authentic, engaging tone to clearly express how the candidate could be a valuable asset. This first impression has a significant impact, as it can be the start of a collaboration.
So, personalize your message by engaging the candidate directly, find out more about his or her background to make sure he or she is right for the job, and keep it concise so that your interviewer quickly understands the purpose of your message.

Find an attractive hook

A well-formulated hook significantly increases your chances of capturing the candidate's attention, thus increasing the likelihood of getting a response.


Tailor the tone to the target and position

It's crucial to adjust the tone of your catchphrase according to your target audience and the position you're aiming for. When recruiting for high-level or high-demand positions, make sure you use language that resonates with the professional, and master the jargon specific to the job in question.

Sample message or e-mail : making contact

Example 1: Private message on LinkedIn

Hello [Contact name],
I recently discovered your profile and was impressed by your expertise in [Area of expertise]. As a professional with a passion for the same field, I would be delighted to connect with you to exchange ideas and discuss our respective experiences.
Yours faithfully
[Your first name]

Example 2: Mail or InMail message

Hello [Contact name]
I hope this message finds you well. I'm [Your name], [Your position] at [Name of your company]. While browsing through LinkedIn profiles, I discovered yours and was impressed by your expertise in the field of [Area of expertise].
As a professional with a passion for this same field, I'm convinced that our experiences could complement each other. I would be delighted to further discuss our common interests and explore potential opportunities for collaboration.
Would it be possible to arrange a brief telephone call or virtual meeting to exchange some ideas ?
Thank you for your time, [Name of person], and I look forward to speaking with you in the near future.
Yours faithfully
[Your name]
[Your contact details]

Sample message or e-mail : reminder

Example 1: Private message on LinkedIn

Hello [Contact name],
I hope this message finds you well. I just wanted to reiterate my proposal for a connection to discuss our experiences in the field of [Area of expertise]. Your expertise inspires me, and I'm sure that our connection could lead to fruitful exchanges.
Yours faithfully
[Your name]

Example 2: Mail or InMail message

Subject: Connection proposal for exchange of ideas
Dear [Contact name],
I hope this message finds you well.
Following my first contact, I wanted to re-launch our exchange. Having recently discovered your profile, I remain deeply impressed by your expertise in the field of [Area of expertise]. As a professional with similar interests, I am convinced that constructive and enriching discussions could emerge from our connection.
I would be honored to exchange ideas with you, share our respective experiences and perhaps even consider potential collaborations in the future.
If your schedule allows, would you be available for a short virtual meeting or e-mail exchange in the next few weeks ? I'm flexible as to the format that would suit you best.
Thank you in advance for your consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully
[Your name]
[Your contact details]

Message or e-mail template: acceptance

Example 1: Private message on LinkedIn

Hello [Contact name],
Thank you very much for accepting my connection request! I'm delighted to be able to exchange and share with you. I was also wondering if you are currently looking for professional opportunities.
I'd love to hear more about your career path and future plans.
See you soon,
[Your first name]

Example 2: Mail or InMail message

Subject: Career opportunities
Hello [Contact name],
Thank you so much for accepting my connection request! I am delighted to be able to establish this link and look forward to rewarding exchanges. Let me ask you an additional question: are you currently open to new professional opportunities?
I'd love to learn more about your career path and future plans.
I look forward to hearing from you,
Yours faithfully
[Your name]
[Your contact details]

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