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Successful candidate pre-selection through skills assessment

Successful candidate pre-selection through skills assessment

Once you've passed the candidate pre-selection stage, it's time to time to assess their technical and soft skills, so you can make an informed decision. But how do you make this decision ? For many companies, the solution lies in a typical interview. This is a very important step, because the wrong decision could have significant repercussions. That's why skills assessment is crucial to organizational performance.

Assessment : skills assessment

Competency assessment is based on a variety of tools and techniques, such as personality tests, technical assessments and recruitment interviews. Although commonly used for recruitment processes, this type of assessment can also be implemented for promotions or internal mobility.

This assessment can be conducted individually or in a group, for example in the form of an assessment center. You can create tests using online roles, where the candidate is confronted with different situations in which behaviors are observed.
At, HR assessment software, we analyze over 170 different behaviors. With HR software of this kind, you'll be able to obtain significant information about candidates' abilities in relation to the tasks and responsibilities associated with the position.
Challenges and solutions for large-scale recruitment


How to set up this type of assessment ?

  • Identifying key skills
  • Work with managers to identify the skills and performance that are essential for the job.
  • Select the job's main objectives for your company and how the candidate can achieve them.
  • Development of relevant and realistic scenarios
  • Development of relevant and realistic scenarios
  • Make sure scenarios are immersive and aligned with your organization's culture and values.
  • AI integration
  • Collaborate with AI-assisted assessment platforms to create simulations and automate assessment and grading.
  • Allow AI models to train using data from current employees to improve accuracy.

The benefits of assessment

Assessment offers many advantages, whether for large-scale or strategic recruitment, for internal or external positions.

Save time

The assessment center makes the recruitment process more efficient, saving recruiters time by automating the processing of questionnaire responses. The use of psychometric tests during the assessment provides a precise evaluation of the candidate, which the assessor can use to guide the interview and make an informed decision. This facilitates the identification of the ideal candidate.

Objective recruitment

By avoiding cognitive biases, such as comparing successive candidates or relying on prior information about internal candidates, assessment guarantees an objective evaluation of candidates' skills and aptitudes, whether for internal or external recruitment.

Promoting profile diversity

By broadening the range of recruitment possibilities, and avoiding limiting ourselves to a single type of profile, assessment helps to promote diversity within the company. This can include seeking out experienced candidates as well as exploring networks of recent graduates, for example, in order to find the ideal candidate with a variety of skills and a capacity for innovation.

Ensuring sustainable recruitment

By identifying and selecting candidates who perfectly match the job requirements, assessment reduces the risk of recruitment errors and staff turnover. This ensures stable recruitment and a lasting return on investment for the company.

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