How do you build your talent pool ?
Providing candidates with a good experience contributes to the success of your employer brand. The way your brand image is seen by job applicants and the employer value proposition help people choose you. LinkedIn is more than a social network, it's an information paradise for HR and candidates alike.
Recruiting companies need to be known on LinkedIn and other recruitment platforms thanks to their personal branding. ATSs enable companies to store candidates' CVs and profiles, track their progress through the recruitment process, communicate with them and manage interactions throughout the recruitment lifecycle, and especially afterwards.
ATSs facilitate several key aspects, as they enable all candidate information to be stored in one place, so that it can be sorted, classified and categorized according to different criteria.
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How do you manage your talent pool ?
It's important to stay in regular contact with candidates by sending them newsletters, vacancy updates and relevant company information. In addition to this, sharing quality content, such as industry articles or employee testimonials, helps to keep candidates interested. Organizing virtual or in-person events also offers a unique opportunity for candidates to learn more about your company and its job opportunities.
Furthermore, providing constructive feedback to candidates, even when they are not selected, reinforces their positive perception of your company and may encourage them to apply for future opportunities. Finally, maintaining an up-to-date database of candidates and keeping in touch with them, even after they've been recruited, helps cultivate lasting relationships that benefit your talent pool.