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The power of marketing in talent acquisition

The power of marketing in talent acquisition

In today's Human Resources market, attracting qualified talent has become a real challenge for organizations.In this case, HR Marketing is an indispensable tool for your organization, enabling you to differentiate yourself and attract the interest of the best candidates on the market. By implementing effective HR Marketing strategies and promoting your employer brand in the right way, you can create attractive job offers that will make an impact with potential candidates.

What is HR Marketing ?

HR marketing is an adaptation of traditional marketing principles to human resources. Originally conceived as a sales strategy to develop customers, marketing has been transposed to the field of human resources to implement optimal talent management.

This approach, also known as "inbound recruiting", encompasses a range of actions designed to attract, convince and retain future employees. It is based on an in-depth analysis of the needs and expectations of candidates and employees, enabling us to adjust our discourse, practices and job offers in line with observed trends.
HR marketing, developed as far back as the 1980s, is still relevant today, and is based on the same fundamental principles as traditional marketing, with four stages designed to transform individuals into ambassadors for the company throughout their career, whether as candidates or employees.

The power of HR Marketing in talent acquisition

  • Attracting talent to your employer brand

The challenge at this stage is to make yourself known and promote your organization to potential talent. To do this, it's vital to have a solid employer brand. According to a study carried out by LinkedIn in 2023, 60% of employees would not accept working for a company that did not correspond to their values.

Having a presence on social networks is essential: 80.3% of French people use social networks to search for job opportunities. LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook are the three social platforms most used by recruiters.


  • Converting users into candidates

Your next task is to encourage users to actively join your recruitment process. To encourage them to become more involved, it's a good idea to incorporate "Call to actions" into your communication. These incentives can take various forms, such as :

  • links to the careers site
  • newsletter sign-up pop-ups
  • invitations to follow your LinkedIn page
  • buttons to create a candidate space
  • activating alerts for career opportunities

It's very important to post job offers on appropriate job boards. Whether they are general or specialized job boards, the choice must be consistent with your sector of activity. These tools help improve your visibility and position you as an expert in your field. What's more, an attractive job offer must be complete and transparent, including not only salary but also all the elements relating to Quality of Life at Work (QWL).


  • Recruiting and integrating new talent

The benefits of digitizing the Human Resources business facilitate the day-to-day work of HR and improve the candidate and employee experience. This is made simpler by the automation of certain tasks, such as email nurturing. This makes it possible to maintain and nurture a link with candidates who are part of the organization's talent pool. What's more, setting up an automated workflow represents real added value. This enables future recruits to be notified in real time of the status and processing of their application, and of the entire recruitment process. Human Resources can automate and manage workflows using ATS software, also known as an "application tracking tool".


  • Building employee loyalty

HR Marketing is all about taking the long view, and working to retain existing staff. This in turn reduces the risk of turnover, avoiding the need for frequent recruitment and the financial costs that would entail.

Your employees have a crucial role to play in improving your company's reputation through their recommendation of your organization. To encourage this process, it is advisable to regularly collect your employees' opinions and feedback through questionnaires. This gives them the opportunity to express their feelings, opinions and suggestions.
By taking their feedback into account, you'll be demonstrating the importance you attach to their opinions, and helping to make them feel valued.

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