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What is an Assessment Center ?

What is an Assessment Center ?

The Assessment Center is an approach that originated in the 1940s, and has evolved to become an indispensable tool for companies seeking the best talent and wishing to assess their employees' key skills.

What is an Assessment Center ?

The aim of an Assessment Center is to evaluate candidates on the skills required for a given position. These assessments can take the form of digital recruitment interviews with a conversational avatar, technical exercises, role-playing exercises...). The aim is to enable candidates to put their skills into practice, and to observe the relevance of actions taken during assessments, as well as candidates' reactions to a given situation. Depending on the aim, organizations with an Assessment Center will use the various tools at their disposal to find out everything there is to know about candidates.

What is the purpose of an Assessment Center ?

The Assessment Center provides objective, neuroscience-based data to assess individual skills and competencies, as well as the ability to interact with others, think, withstand stress, make decisions, listen...

HR Data: Companies that base their recruitment processes on competencies are 98% more likely to retain top talent.

Assessment essentials with AI

How do you organize an assessment center ?

For HR departments, organizing an assessment center requires a great deal of preliminary work. Many small and medium-sized companies opt to outsource this stage to recruitment agencies. For larger companies, the best option is to use an AI-assisted Applicant Tracking System to access this assessment tool.


The importance of assessments for evaluating candidates' skills :

  • Accurate skills assessment: provide a more precise measure of candidates' skills and abilities than traditional assessments.
  • Predictive validity : situational assessments are more predictive of candidates' professional performance than other methods.
  • Improved candidate selection : by assessing candidates on the basis of job-related tasks, organizations can make more informed decisions.

The benefits of Assessment Center

Integrating a tool such as the assessment center into your candidate evaluations can bring many benefits to your company. Let's find out about them:

Saving time

The Assessment Center saves a significant amount of time by grouping together several candidates for a simultaneous assessment, thus improving the efficiency of the recruitment process. What's more, by assessing all candidates in the same situation, subsequent decision-making is facilitated, boosting productivity. This approach also reduces recruitment errors, saving time and money in the long run.

Shedding light on specific skills

The Assessment Center offers the opportunity to highlight skills that might otherwise go unnoticed during traditional interviews. As a recruiter, you often wonder whether the information provided by the candidate is adequate, or whether his or her skills really match the position to be filled. The Assessment Center confronts the candidate with real-life situations, offering the possibility of detecting skills that would not be obvious in a conventional interview.

Informed decision-making

The third advantage of the Assessment Center is its ability to inform your decisions. By evaluating all candidates in a uniform manner and on the basis of precise criteria, you gain an overall view of each candidate's skills. This approach greatly facilitates decision-making, minimizing the risk of recruitment errors.

Professional development

The fourth advantage of Assessment Centers lies in their ability to foster the professional development of individuals. By identifying participants' strengths and weaknesses, these assessments enable the design of personalized development plans. This offers employees the opportunity to enhance their skills and progress in their careers, benefiting both the individual and the organization as a whole.
A good recruitment process is based on competencies and factual data for decision-making. Our growing library of assessments is tailor-made for you, with avatars that simulate professional tasks and interact with the candidate. Simply select one, invite your candidates to perform it, and automatically obtain the results on the candidate's profile.

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