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What's an effective recruitment process in 2024 ?

What's an effective recruitment process in 2024 ?

Competition for the best talent is becoming increasingly intense, with candidates now having access to a vast number of advertisements online and in an instant. This underlines the crucial importance of having a well-structured recruitment process that brings together HR professionals, hiring managers and new hires to ensure the success of your recruitment efforts.

In sectors such as engineering and industry, where skills scarcity is becoming increasingly problematic, having a robust recruitment process aligned with a precise recruitment strategy is of paramount importance.

What is a recruitment process ?

Finding qualified candidates to fill vacancies within a company is the very essence of a recruitment process. Successful recruitment is essential to ensure that your company has the human resources it needs to run smoothly.

That's why it's vital to have an efficient recruitment process, so that you can make the right hiring decisions, both to meet your current needs and to anticipate your future requirements.
Although you probably know the tasks and responsibilities your new employees will have to take on, as well as the skills and qualities needed to succeed in the job, finding the right candidates remains a challenge. The consequences of poor recruitment can be costly, and protracted hiring processes can have a negative impact on overall company performance.
Challenges and solutions for mass recruitment

    Important points in the recruitment process

    Searching for and finding the right candidates for your vacancies is an expensive process. According to a study by the École du Recrutement, the average cost of recruitment in France varies between 5,000 and 8,000 euros. As you'd expect, while a successful hire will deliver a significant return on this investment, a poor hire will incur additional costs. A structured recruitment process will simplify your task, and here are a few key points to bear in mind :

    Delivering an optimal candidate experience

    The candidate experience plays a central role in corporate culture, with 78% of candidates saying that the recruitment and interview processes reflect the value the organization places on its employees. That's why it's so important to emphasize your company's strengths during these stages, as this is when potential employees form their first impression of your organization.

    Avoid unconscious bias

    Unconscious biases are judgments, beliefs or attitudes acquired without our necessarily being aware of them. But where do they come from? Our brains are constantly processing a multitude of information, which sometimes leads them to take shortcuts. Our prejudices can also creep into the recruitment process and influence the choice of candidate for a specific position.

    Recruiting the ideal candidate

    During interviews, you look to see if the candidate can fit in with your team and if you can envisage a fruitful collaboration in the future. At the same time, the candidate assesses whether your company matches his or her professional expectations. It's important not to rush things, as this could lead to gaps in the collection of information crucial to making an informed decision, and it could also compromise employee retention, especially if the person recruited is not suited to the position.

    How do you design an effective recruitment process ?

    • Identify your needs

    It's essential to identify skill and headcount gaps within your company. This involves understanding the deficits in each department and team, with an overview of vacancies. To do this, ask yourself the following questions :

    • Why do we need staff ?
    • What are the specific criteria for vacancies ?
    • Is recruitment necessary for long-term needs or to manage a temporary workload ?

    Once you've understood your recruitment needs, you can start implementing effective and relevant ways of finding suitable candidates.

    • Prepare the job description

    The success of any recruitment process hinges on the ability to attract the right candidates, a step that starts with writing your job descriptions and job ads. If you need to, turn to AI-assisted HR software to help you generate job offers at the click of a button and publish them automatically to various job portals.

    Generative AI for HR
    • Select candidates

    To reduce the number of candidates to be interviewed, it's important to carry out assessments to identify those who are the best match for your company. Pre-selection can be optimized with the use of ATS (Applicant Tracking System), which speeds up and makes efficient candidate/position matching. This type of HR software facilitates candidate selection by ranking them according to criteria you define yourself.

    How does ATS simplify HR management ?
    • Promote your company's culture and employer brand

    Candidates don't simply aim to get a job, they aspire to join a company that will meet their needs for satisfaction and fulfillment over the long term. Increasingly, they are linking their personal development to elements such as a healthy corporate culture, unique benefits and exemplary industry standards.

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