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Why carry out skills assessments when hiring?

Why carry out skills assessments in hiring?

Hiring the right talent is a critical priority for organizations aiming to thrive in today's competitive business landscape. Skill assessments have emerged as a powerful tool in the hiring process, offering data-driven insights into candidates' abilities and potential job performance.

Skills assessments were used in the employment process by 76% of the firms surveyed. One of the most popular pre-employment evaluation techniques, according to the report, is job simulations-skill assessments.


What are skill assessments ?

The purpose of skill assessments, commonly referred to as aptitude tests or pre-employment evaluations, is to examine a candidate's skills in a certain field objectively. Technical exams, cognitive tests, and behavioral testing are just a few of the different ways that these evaluations can be conducted. Each kind of evaluation focuses on a different component of a candidate's skill set and offers insightful information to guide the hiring process.

It basically determines: if a candidate has the required skills and at what level, if they require training based on skill gaps.

Skills assessments also help determine if the candidate is the right fit for your team, by analyzing not only technical skills but the ability to perform thanks to soft skills.


The types of skills under evaluation

Depending on the requirements for the position and the type of assessment, a wide range of skills can be evaluated. Technical skills (such as programming, data analysis), soft skills (such as problem-solving, critical thinking, communication, teamwork), and job-specific abilities (such as customer service, project management) are some of the skills that are frequently assessed.

The thorough assessment of these skills helps HR departments in gaining an holistic understanding if the candidate is the right fit. It also enables hiring managers to unbiasedly choose the best applicant, because the grading and clear score is obtained automatically. Bottom line is, skill assessments make it easier to approach recruiting consistently.

Additionally, organizations can use skills assessments on current employees. This helps hiring managers in determining whether a skills gap exists in a particular sector of the organization. If so, a skill evaluation can identify the workers who need to upskill and what type of training they need.

sweeeft has developed a solution for two types of assessments: job-related simulations (candidates skills, personality and work style, how they respond to daily job-related challenges, their interpersonal skills and more), AI generated technical tests (across different departments for foreign language skills, coding, analytical tests and more).

Why are skills assessments important ? 

The improvement of the talent acquisition process and overall organizational success depends heavily on skill assessments. They provide systematic, objective evaluations of candidates' skills, which lessens the impact of any hiring biases.
Additionally, skill assessments help HR teams find candidates who possess the most pertinent and position-specific skills, ensuring a fit between the candidate's abilities and the requirements of the firm.

Top 3 benefits of carrying out skills assessments

Reduction of unconscious bias in hiring

Skill assessments only include objective evaluations of skills, which lessens the influence of unconscious bias in recruiting. The National Bureau of Economic Research study found that by minimizing the impact of demographic considerations in hiring, skill assessments can support diversity in employment.

Savings in money and time thanks to assessments

Organizations can save money and maximize their recruitment efforts by cutting down on the time spent examining candidates and doing interviews.

Improved retention rate

Skill assessments make sure that hired candidates have the necessary skills for the position, improving the likelihood of job satisfaction and engagement. Employees who apply their actual skills to the job are six times more likely to be interested in their work, according to a Gallup survey. Organizations can build a more enjoyable work environment and improve employee retention by employing people who are in line with job needs.

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